
Searching For Something?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Barnesia 53

Hello everyone and I'm back. Sorry it took me so long to make any new posts, my scanner hasn't been cooperating. So I've made up my own planet with a couple of sketches.

        Astronomers have located a planet that orbits the sun Barnesia. They've found that the planet has a very inhospitable surface, but they've found cave systems that go more than fifty miles down. Biologists where curious to see if there is life underground. A revolution began as they go a message back still yet to be decoded. Then Five years later the message is decoded and all the information on the planet was given to them, but they found out the sapient lifeforms died out. The planet was named Barnesia 53.

Barnesia 53

Barnesian Dragon

Barnesia 53 Calmeri